www.DaynaLCheser.com is HOME now

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I have updated my new website/blog, www.DaynaLCheser.com.  Please stop by and take a look.

My apologies for being a bit remiss in keeping my new website/blog up to date.  Life got in the way for a while, but I’m hoping things have quieted down such that I can now keep up.  After a bit of a sabbatical from blogging, I’m looking forward to getting back into that, as well.

I appreciate everyone who has followed me here, and to those who keep on checking here for new material.  While this site will stay open, it is inactive.  I have moved operations to www.DaynaLCheser.com – my new website/blog (‘Posts by Dayna’).  ‘DIY Interviews’ has also moved there, too.  All ‘DIY Interviews’ after September 24, 2012 appear there.

So, if you want to keep up with my goings on, please visit www.DaynaLCheser.com.

Also there, if you click on the ‘TIME Series’ tab on my new website, you’ll catch up with the goings on with my books – ‘Janelle’s Time,’ which was published in July of 2012, ‘Moria’s Time’ (my 2011 NaNoWriMo project), which is being edited as I write this, ‘Adelle’s Time,’ which was my 2012 NaNo project, ‘Logan’s Time,’ which is about thee quarter’s through the first draft, and ‘Clarissa’s Time,’ which will be my 2013 NaNo project.

I invite all my friends who have so faithfully followed me here to please come over to www.DaynaLCheser.com and sign up for the emails from me there.

Very soon, I’ll be posting excerpts from ‘Moria’s Time,’ as soon as the edits are done.  This is the story of Moria from her infancy to her mid-twenties.  Before she was born, Agnes, the healer from Eastwell, a village on Devonwood in England, had a vision about Moria.  Believing it was about Janelle, Moria’s mother, she was confused.  But, upon seeing the infant Moria, she knew it was about her, and not her mother.  She saw Moria as a young woman going far from home, to a dangerous place, not only to her, but to those around her, as well.

As Moria journeys through life, she meets some interesting people, including Elizabeth Blackwell, Frederick Douglass, Florence Nightingale, and Queen Victoria and Prince Albert.  All of these real-life historical figures had an effect on Moria’s life, leading up to the fulfillment of the vision when Moria goes far from home to a dangerous place.  She also meets Dr. Simon Hensley.

My next post on www.DaynaLCheser (‘Posts by Dayna’) will be the story of the writing of ‘Moria’s Time.’  I learned so much …

Please stop by and look around, I hope you’ll like what you see.

Happy Writing,


Posted on February 16, 2013, in writing. Bookmark the permalink. Comments Off on www.DaynaLCheser.com is HOME now.

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